Being a Veterinarian has been my dream for as long as I can remember. Animals have always been my biggest passion and the route I've wanted to pursue as a career. So, to get the opportunity to be a student intern at a holistic veterinary practice the past two summers, has been such an incredible opportunity. With such inspirational veterinarians to teach me and show me all that this wonderful career has to offer. They have helped show me the kind of personality traits that make for a caring and respectable Vet. I have gotten to experience and learn so much through my experiences as an intern and wouldn't take back any of it. I wouldn't take back the long hours, the hardships, etc. It truly has shown me that this is my calling, since I willingly give them all my capabilities not for money, just for the experience. When you are willing to do work you love for free, you know it really is something you do for how it makes you feel, for the passion that rests in your heart for the work you are doing.
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