Taking in My New Surroundings
Flashback to summer of last year and I would've told you I was ready for college, ready to leave home, ready to start fresh with new people and surroundings. I was ready to be away from my parents, my pets, my house, a place where I feel comfortable.
I soon realized, however, that college wasn't what I thought it would be. It started out busy, but full of lots of friendly faces on my floor and I thought I was included, part of a new family. But I realized these people weren't exactly who I thought they were. They weren't like my family and best friends who always have my back. They were people who began to make me feel abandoned, boring, and friendless. But as I look back, I realize that I learned something very valuable. I learned that not everyone you meet will be your best friend. I learned to be more independent. And most importantly, without feeling abandoned by them, I wouldn't of found the people who do care about me. I wouldn't of found people I want to explore, make memories, and most of all live with next year.
What kept me going during hard times before I found new friends was the support from my family and friends back home. For Thanksgiving I got to go with my Dad to see my cousins in Wisconsin. I got to have some much needed bonding time with my cousin Carley. As I've settled into college, Carley and I have managed to stay really close. We snapchat all the time and have even had a few Skype dates during weekend nights when we both feel alone. While we were at our Grandma's house we managed to have a little spa night, with facial masks and hot tea. It is a memory with her that I will never forget.
Mimi may not agree but dressing her up as Santa is also relaxing |
The rest of my second semester has gone pretty smoothly. It's hard to believe in less than two weeks I'll be leaving my dorm to go home for the summer! I hope you have enjoyed this blog post. I'll try to post again soon. Hope you all are having a wonderful spring!
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