I was blessed with cousins that have turned into my best friends. And one of those best friends is Carley. There are so many good things I can say about her, but at the same time it is hard to express how much she means to me in words. But, here it goes anyway: Carley and I were bonded from the start since we grew up, in a sense, together. We don't live in the same state, but over the years we have made a lot of incredible memories together. Carley is hilarious, gorgeous, and is everything I look for in a best friend. Getting to see her right before I started my sophomore year of college was one of the best weekends of my summer. I've missed our Skype dates since I've been busy with homework and often wish we lived closer to each other. However, the truth is I don't have to worry about losing Carley. Our bond started so young and is so strong that I know I will never lose her. So, Carley if you're reading this just know that I love you so much and care about you tremendously. Oh, and have a kick butt year in 8th grade!
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