Life is a crazy ride, full of twists, turns, ups, downs. But, one of the things I find most important in life, besides the fact that it has the ability to change, is the fact that we can find things that give us a reason to breathe, a reason to get up every morning, something to live for each day. Individuals' reasons to breathe are unique, just like they are, and I think that is part of what makes our world so diverse. Some of us, for example, find our mission to be to teach children or take care of the elderly, while others (like myself) find joy in taking care of animals and becoming an animal advocate Without reasons to breathe, a lot of us wouldn't have the goals, aspirations, and dreams that we do. It is in our reasons to breathe that we find what we think is our purpose - or as some think, their destiny. But, the truth is that we change, and so do our reasons to breathe at times. For parents a lot of times a large chunk of their reasons to breathe are their children, whereas the children oftentimes live in the moment and look at each day as a new opportunity for adventure.
All in all though, our reasons to breathe make our life worthwhile and it is worth our time to reflect on these things that give us joy and a mission in life. They fill our hearts, souls, and minds with something we truly can't get enough of. And that is why I think that our reasons to breathe are so vital to our existence.
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