Attracting the right people to spend our lives with requires time, patience, and a whole lot of respect. It is a skill that no one person that I know has perfected. The truth is that we change, grow, and our ability to keep out the negative people in our life also changes. There will undeniably be times when not-so-good people wind up in our lives. These people arrive, in my opinion, to teach a lesson and to help us learn how you should be treated. It is easier said than done, however, as attracting good people and getting rid of not good ones is a tricky process. A certain kind of strength is involved, a type of self-respect involved in loving oneself and only those that deserve our love and can reciprocate it.

This attraction also requires reflection and role models. This involves finding important personality traits in others such as being caring, generous, respectful, and compassionate. It involves reflecting on our own lives, working through our mistakes, and striving to the best people we can be. And throughout life, for other reasons, these are important skills to possess in order to be well-balanced individuals. No one is perfect, but a lot of stress and turmoil can be avoided by finding the right people to share life with and to gain acceptance of oneself and of others. Everyone makes mistakes and we are all trying to figure out life together, so it is important that we don't just cut everyone out of lives, but instead find those who can work through their mistakes, who can grow and change for the better depending on what life throws at them, and most of all who love and embrace all our mistakes, flaws, and wonderful traits.
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