Journey into Sophmore Year

Happy 2015!
It is hard to believe that in a week I will be entering my 2nd semester of my 2nd year of college! It seems like I was just preparing to enter my freshman year, nervous about what my college experience would be like, and afraid of the toughness of a full load of college classes.Indeed, being a college student has brought me many challenges and difficulties, but it has also brought me so many great surprises, experiences, and a few very good friends.
I have written a lengthy post about some of the adventures of my freshman year, but I have yet to give any details of how my second year is going. I'm pleased to report that it has been going well. There have been many changes from last year including new living arrangements and tough subjects, but I think I have managed well thus far. As I now reach my 4th semester in college, I have grown to enjoy it and find my place on campus. I have especially enjoyed my living arrangements on campus this year, although every living arrangement have its downfalls. This year I am living in an on-campus house called K House with 8 other girls. That has definitely been a change, especially since the room I am in belongs to 3 other girls as well! However, I have grown close with many of the girls and enjoy having a kitchen to cook in and many different spaces to study and lounge in. Dorms can definitely have residents singing the blahs and wishing for more space to move around. And let's admit it, not all of us like hanging out at the library.
Despite feeling more at ease with myself on campus this year, I still do very much enjoy and look forward to breaks such as this at home, where I get to relax and spend quality time with my family. Especially towards the end of the semester, college life can get very stressful and chaotic. Everything seems to pile up and all the professors seem to want to have their exams at the same time. The journey is a fast-paced one though, and the flood of papers and exams are worth it to me. I have big dreams and lots of motivation, and I have found some great people at my school to spend my free time with. I totally agree with those at college who say that your college experience is what you make of it. You must find your own path and make it an adventure you want to remember, one you can cherish forever.
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