Making this Place my Home

Making the transition into a college student living on campus was not as easy as I thought it would be.  And to say I don't get homesick anymore would be a big fat LIE.  However, I can honestly say, as I enter my second semester of my Sophomore year, that it feels more like home than ever.  I have wonderful roommates who I love living with, the most amazing support from family and friends, and the success I've had so far has served to further fuel my motivation to succeed in college.
When I think back, why was this transition so hard for me?  As I prepared for school last summer, I began to think from other peoples' experiences that the transition would be easy.  In my case, however, I am blessed with a home-life that I am comfortable in and didn't feel as if I needed to escape to school.  With that being said, I do very much enjoy my college life though.  I enjoy the ability to make friends from all over and with varying interests.  I enjoy the chance to be independent and learn how to rely on myself.  I enjoy the freedom of getting to explore a new place with new people.  And most importantly I am happy to be on the path to making my dreams a reality.  However, even with these dreams in mind, I wouldn't be able to call this place home if I hadn't found a club full of wonderful people, roommates who allow me to be myself, and the independence to succeed in a new place filled with opportunity and freedom.
So, if a incoming college freshman were to approach me today, here's the advice I would offer based off of my college experience.  I would tell them to be true to themselves, explore their passions, make sure they have an avenue they can use to de-stress, and to try their best.  The best is all you can give and when you give your best you can be confident that you're trying as hard as you can.  Also, I would say that your college experience is what you make it.  I know many college faculty say that, but it really is true.  You never can miss out on an experience you don't try to embrace.
I hope that this blog post is finding you all in a happy and bright new year, full of new opportunities and adventures, and for some the adventure of going to college.  Don't worry, just work your hardest and make it an adventure that will be a memory you will cherish forever.
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