Spring Semester of My Junior Year - Day 5

So yesterday marked the last day of the school week for my 3rd year spring semester.
It began once again in the early AM by getting ready, eating breakfast, and going to class.  After my physics class, I had a break from the morning until my afternoon chemistry lecture.  During this break, I rested, refueled, and did some studying.
After chemistry lecture, I was done with classes for the day (and week!).  I did some studying and took a few minute nap, before I was called upon by my roommates for a trip to Trader Joes.  After our grocery shopping trip, we talked for a bit in our apartment, and each made dinner for ourselves.  We then each went into our rooms to do schoolwork.  Around 9pm, a friend of Sophie's and his roommate came over to play Cards Against Humanity with us.  Before they came, however, Jacklyn and I had our own adventure getting gas and buying some beverages for us girls.  After we got back to the apartment and the guys came over, we had a great little game night.  Then after they left, Sophie, Jacklyn, and I watched Napoleon Dynamite and enjoyed each other's company for the rest of the night.

I guess you could say our night went a little bit like this......

and this....

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